I just cobbled together a Random Human Character Generator with the official rules for Middenheim, Middenland & Nordland.
https://pacomiscelaneousstuff.blogspot. ... r-for.html
(There is a rarely seen know bug on the Reiklanders as they can get to be Wolf Kin, working on fixing it)
This generator just join my list of previous ones. The generator for the core characters (+gnomes!)
https://pacomiscelaneousstuff.blogspot. ... acter.html
And halfling families:
https://pacomiscelaneousstuff.blogspot. ... r-for.html
Starting Character Generators (with more humans now!)
- Posts: 158
- Joined: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:41 am
- Location: Gisoreux
I would name the species "human" and add as a "nation" the notions of "Reiklander", "Middenheimer", "Middenlander" or "Nordlander"...
Veniam, Duelli Malleum, phantasticum ludum personae uidebo, in fera terra periculosorum aduenturorum ludebam.