C7d20 - Cubicle 7 d20 Fantasy RPG

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Power Behind the Throne
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So Cubicle 7 is creating a d20 fantasy RPG that essentially forks DnD 5e.Thoughts?
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I like it, I think the adventure books will be worth reading. But at the end of the day I personally don't like the D&D/d20 ruleset, so I don't have much interest in the core books (the one exception might be the Monster Manual because some new inspiration on that front is usually not a bad thing).

I also readily acknowledge that I'm an outlier of opinion on that front, and the economics of the hobby all point solidly in that direction. I hope it proves to be a good move for C7, I really like some of the stuff they've put out as a studio and I think it means good things for them.
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Power Behind the Throne
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I'm interested to see where they go with this. I've never been a fan of D&D or d20, but I have friends who are. Maybe it's time to mix it up a bit.
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