I started playing WFRP4 with friends a month ago, and there are two things we're not quite sure about, so I'm asking here for your help

Can you use Fortune points to reroll the result on a table, like the table for mutations or miscasts for wizards?
Additionally, we're also unsure if a player can simply say, "I'll spend a Resilience point to choose the mutation instead of rolling for it."
One of our players brought this up recently. He's a wizard and is afraid of rolling an 86-90 on the MINOR MISCAST TABLE, because then he has to roll on the Arcane Marks of SHYISH table. He would rather spend a Resilience point and just take the Mark of Shyish.
After that, the other players also wondered if they could spend Resilience to choose something harmless in case of a mutation or use Fortune to reroll it.
What do you think?
And a huge thanks in advance for your help!