How do Stormcast Eternals buy new Sigmarite gear or have it issued?

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If a Stormcast Eternal PC wants to add some gear to their kit, do they buy it like everyone else, or do they requisition it from their Stormhost (presumably during the Endeavour that takes them back for a check-in)? Of particular relevance is when the new gear is something like Sigmarite weapons/armor, or a pair of celestial wings. These seem like things that the Stormcast must get through the armouries of a Stormhost, but the rules don't seem to cover this.
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Orin J.
Posts: 518
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:39 pm

i don't think the setting covers this, as they're more or less expected to keep what they're given unless they're moved into a new suit. i'd say go with the requisitioning idea you have already, with maybe pulling some GM favor by having them be "gifted" what they're hoping to ask for for "the trials ahead" to give it that "chosen of sigmar" feel.
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