Greetings all,
After a long, lockdown-enforced break, it is my intention that TOBCON IV will take place at Northfield community centre in London this August Bank Holiday weekend (Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th). Attendees are always a mix of regulars and newcomers, so all are welcome. The event usually involves playing in or GMing four WFRP sessions (any and all editions of WFRP are played) over the course of two days - each session 4 hours long.
Under various guises (TIMCON, WIMCON and now TOBCON) this event has been going on for over a decade and is as far as I know the only WFRP event in the world.
At the last TOBCON (three years ago), some attendees mentioned other websites and forums that they thought I might want to post on to recruit more players. I'm afraid I don't have time to do that, but if anyone else has the ability to do so, they can feel free to market it where they want, as long as they link to this original post so that people can PM me.
Obviously, feel free to PM me if you wish to get more details, or just post queries or statements on this thread. Do try to let me know if you intend to come and if you are willing to GM a game, to help me plan the event. I normally ask GMs to send me their scenario synopsis by the end of May, so will post more here nearer the time.
- Toby Pilling
- Posts: 66
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2019 5:14 am
Several British regulars have responded privately to my emails so we are on course to have a decent number already. I'll write again in a couple of weeks or so. It certainly looks like we'll have Cubicle 7 involvement in the form of Dave Allen! I look forward to seeing everyone again.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again. 

- Toby Pilling
- Posts: 66
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2019 5:14 am
Greetings all!
OK - we have enough GMs to run a decent amount of slots, so the event should have plenty of games. I'll send the usual round-robin email to the usual suspects, as well as contacting GMs individually, this week. Could GMs start to get me their outlines? Please could I have something to put on a programme by the end of next week - Sunday the 3rd of July
The cost of attending should be free this year, I'm told by the organisers of Shadowcon, that we piggy-back upon. More money left for ales in the pub afterwards!
I'll write again with the programme soon.
OK - we have enough GMs to run a decent amount of slots, so the event should have plenty of games. I'll send the usual round-robin email to the usual suspects, as well as contacting GMs individually, this week. Could GMs start to get me their outlines? Please could I have something to put on a programme by the end of next week - Sunday the 3rd of July
The cost of attending should be free this year, I'm told by the organisers of Shadowcon, that we piggy-back upon. More money left for ales in the pub afterwards!
I'll write again with the programme soon.
- Posts: 188
- Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:04 am
I won't be coming but I wish everyone a good time, and good stories to entertain those of us who can't come. 

- Toby Pilling
- Posts: 66
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2019 5:14 am
OK folks, here's the timetable. If all attendees let me know their preferred scenarios then I can start allocating players to games - those who have volunteered to GM games will be given priority as a reward.
TOBCON 4 Timetable
SAT AM (10am-2pm)
Shaking the Lead
GM: The Dark Knight of the Twisted Moon
Galena has been discovered at the old workings of Anne’s Rule, and lead promises new riches for the Border Principality of Panarin’s Grasp. Riches that could be used to pay tribute to the marauding Orc bands that cross the mountains from the Bad Lands, and riches that could be used to buy weapons and pay mercenaries so that the tribute was no longer required.
One problem remains: Anne’s Rule used to be a Dwarven Mine, and although a mere shadow of the power they once were, the Dwarves are jealous of their lost heritage. Even now a Dwarven scholar has been dispatched from the hold of Khazril, to oversee the new workings and enforce their perceived rights. Her Serenity, the Marquise Vanda, current ruler of Panarin’s Grasp has sent a courtier to confound the Dwarves aims and ensure that the riches flow to her domains as is only due.
This scenario will probably be run using WFRP Classic Edition.
Alfonso’s Party
GM: Tadeusz Cantwell
Now that the plague has left the city, the Tilian merchant Alfonso will host one of his fabulous parties. You, a casual friend of his, have been promised an invite if you can help with arrangements with some others, as he is indisposed. And those rumours.... are just wild gossip...
System: WFRP 4th Ed
The Long Way Home
GM: Wim
After a disastrous attempt to recapture Karak Ghard from the goblin occupiers, your unit has been separated from the withdrawing dwarven army. To get back to civilisation, you’ll have to travel through enemy territory deep under the mountain.
An adventure for up to six dwarven soldiers, using WFRP2 rules (mostly)
SAT PM (3pm-7pm)
The Duke, the Frog, Its Legs and His Belly, or, The Frog Marsh
GM: Theo
Duc Didier le Grand prides himself on being the greatest gourmand in Bretonnia. While his peasants suffer, he puts on lavish feasts where he serves the most exclusive and outrageous dishes. But the Duc is in a rage: he was invited by his neighbour and rival, Comte Henri le Bâtard, to dinner and was served something he had never seen before: giant frog's legs! You have been hired to sneak into the Comte's marshland, where these frogs are supposedly found, and retrieve young ones (male and female) or, failing that, at least frogspawn, so that the Duc can farm his own. Wiping out the Comte's population would also be welcome. Obviously, if you are caught the Duc will deny everything and you will be hanged as poachers. But if you are successful, he promises you will never go hungry again!
Uses 4th Edition WFRP
The Eye of Tzeentch
GM: Rolph Segers
Legends tell of one of the greatest Fakirs the land of Araby has known: Abdul Al Hazred aka 'The Mad Arab'. Abdul lost his wife and son to a sad tragedy of betrayal, making him dead set on returning them to the living. Word goes that he travelled into the realm of chaos where he retrieved an object of pure chaos called 'The Eye of Tzeentch', an object of pure magic and chaos and thus untamable. This however did not deter Abdul the least as he travelled far and wide and rumor has it he was seen in Prague where he unearthed the tomb of Arianka, not to release her but to obtain her blood. In an ancient dark ritual he bound the Eye with the blood of Arianka and in doing so tamed the chaos object into the most powerful artefact this world has ever seen...and there the story ends.
Recently however pages from his diary were uncovered hinting at travels to the Lizard Pyramid, better known as the Temple of Skulls, situated on the eastern coast of the Southlands.
As it happens YOU are the one who uncovered those papers. Dead set on retrieving this mighty object, packed with some obscure documents you can't make head nor tail of you and your companions set out to the deadlands to retrieve it!
System: WFRP 2nd edition
Cabaret of Chaos
GM: Rob Rees
Players will play characters in a cell of the Halfling Liberation Front that have infiltrated the infamous Kitty Kat Kabaret who are due to perform a selection of their provocative best at a private reception for the Moot's oppressive governor Ernst Hoffmann. Unbeknown to the assassins though, the Master of Ceremonies of the club also has some big plans for the reception and things are about to get very disturbing for everyone.
The governor is protected by the hated Brown Jerkins, his Imperial Guards and Billy Bigguts, an Ogre. Is there any hope that the cell can carry out their mission and escape with their lives?
Rules: Will be played with a streamlined version of 4th Edition rules with all the fast play options turned on.
SUN AM (10am-2pm)
Witches’ Gold
GM: Steve Hanlon
Ten years ago you stole a fortune in ancient gold from the Duke’s train, and buried it on the Witches’ Crag by the village of Fahrenholz. You thought you’d claim it in a few weeks, but instead you were caught and sentenced to hard labour. Now you’re finally free and it’s time to claim what’s yours. But, as you return to the scene of your worst crimes and greatest success, you will need to confront more than just memories of the past.
System: *Kriegsmesser* by Gregor Vuga, a simple system for Warhammer-like based on the popular game *Troika*, and reminiscent of games of the 80s. It’s very lightweight and no previous experience of it is required.
Mutiny and the Beast
GM: Dave Allen
Geissbach is a small, beleaguered farming community deep in the Reikwald forest. It’s position on the increasingly busy Ubersreik to Bogenhafen Road is exciting interest from various investors, and a newly opened coaching inn promises rest and relaxation to travellers with money to spend. There are those who regard the village as a prime target for exploitation, and the locals are divided as to who to place their trust in as their world seems set to change. Our Characters, a group of road-weary travellers, arrive at Geissbach looking for a place to stay, and will soon find themselves at the centre of a series of power struggles.
System: WFRP 4th edition
Weird Nights at the Wolfshead
GM: Stuart Kerrigan
The Wolfshead Coach Inn’s warm lights and tall walls appear to offer protection against the shambling horrors of the Old World’s night but the danger within may be greater. Never mind it seems difficult to keep track of the patrons and staff, or the shifting rooms inside it. Is it safer here than the shadow that has been chasing you?
A scenario for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition
SUN PM (3pm-7pm)
Rise of the Ratmen
GM: Steve Ellis (5 player game)
The Horned Rat calls it’s children to rise up and claim the lands of Men and Dwarfs! Play the fractious Clan-Lords of the Skaven as you plot the ruination of the lands above and unleash the tide of squeaking, scrabbling vermin against your enemies!
System will probably be a variant on Cold City/Hot War (Similar to the Karl Franz is Dead! Game)
The Batman of Altdorf: Painfall
GM: Rob Rees
The Batmen are mutants and former watchmen of Altdorf, twisted by radiance of the green moon they nonetheless retain their commitment to justice in the ever changing city. They watch endures despite the suspicion and hatred that is directed towards all mutants.
The latest peril to threaten the peace are rumours of an alchemical preparation that doubles the strength of those who imbibe it. In the hands of Altdorf's notorious street gangs it threatens to break the tenuous hold the Watch has on the city and allow the gangs to rule the streets and do what they like to the helpless regular citizens of the city.
It is these citizens the Batmen are sworn to protect and therefore they must find the source of the mysterious concoction and end its supply before the criminal elements seize control.
System: Played with my Grim Fantasy (Laser and Feelings hack):
GM: Toby Pilling
Desperate times call for desperate measures and no time is more desperate than the End Times.
The Emperor has called up those who are too old or crippled to serve in the provincial militias to form ‘Landsturm’ detachments at local levels. It’s seen as scraping the barrel, but the need is great.
The PCs are members of such a unit, and things are going from bad to worse…
System: WFRP 4th Edition
TOBCON 4 Timetable
SAT AM (10am-2pm)
Shaking the Lead
GM: The Dark Knight of the Twisted Moon
Galena has been discovered at the old workings of Anne’s Rule, and lead promises new riches for the Border Principality of Panarin’s Grasp. Riches that could be used to pay tribute to the marauding Orc bands that cross the mountains from the Bad Lands, and riches that could be used to buy weapons and pay mercenaries so that the tribute was no longer required.
One problem remains: Anne’s Rule used to be a Dwarven Mine, and although a mere shadow of the power they once were, the Dwarves are jealous of their lost heritage. Even now a Dwarven scholar has been dispatched from the hold of Khazril, to oversee the new workings and enforce their perceived rights. Her Serenity, the Marquise Vanda, current ruler of Panarin’s Grasp has sent a courtier to confound the Dwarves aims and ensure that the riches flow to her domains as is only due.
This scenario will probably be run using WFRP Classic Edition.
Alfonso’s Party
GM: Tadeusz Cantwell
Now that the plague has left the city, the Tilian merchant Alfonso will host one of his fabulous parties. You, a casual friend of his, have been promised an invite if you can help with arrangements with some others, as he is indisposed. And those rumours.... are just wild gossip...
System: WFRP 4th Ed
The Long Way Home
GM: Wim
After a disastrous attempt to recapture Karak Ghard from the goblin occupiers, your unit has been separated from the withdrawing dwarven army. To get back to civilisation, you’ll have to travel through enemy territory deep under the mountain.
An adventure for up to six dwarven soldiers, using WFRP2 rules (mostly)
SAT PM (3pm-7pm)
The Duke, the Frog, Its Legs and His Belly, or, The Frog Marsh
GM: Theo
Duc Didier le Grand prides himself on being the greatest gourmand in Bretonnia. While his peasants suffer, he puts on lavish feasts where he serves the most exclusive and outrageous dishes. But the Duc is in a rage: he was invited by his neighbour and rival, Comte Henri le Bâtard, to dinner and was served something he had never seen before: giant frog's legs! You have been hired to sneak into the Comte's marshland, where these frogs are supposedly found, and retrieve young ones (male and female) or, failing that, at least frogspawn, so that the Duc can farm his own. Wiping out the Comte's population would also be welcome. Obviously, if you are caught the Duc will deny everything and you will be hanged as poachers. But if you are successful, he promises you will never go hungry again!
Uses 4th Edition WFRP
The Eye of Tzeentch
GM: Rolph Segers
Legends tell of one of the greatest Fakirs the land of Araby has known: Abdul Al Hazred aka 'The Mad Arab'. Abdul lost his wife and son to a sad tragedy of betrayal, making him dead set on returning them to the living. Word goes that he travelled into the realm of chaos where he retrieved an object of pure chaos called 'The Eye of Tzeentch', an object of pure magic and chaos and thus untamable. This however did not deter Abdul the least as he travelled far and wide and rumor has it he was seen in Prague where he unearthed the tomb of Arianka, not to release her but to obtain her blood. In an ancient dark ritual he bound the Eye with the blood of Arianka and in doing so tamed the chaos object into the most powerful artefact this world has ever seen...and there the story ends.
Recently however pages from his diary were uncovered hinting at travels to the Lizard Pyramid, better known as the Temple of Skulls, situated on the eastern coast of the Southlands.
As it happens YOU are the one who uncovered those papers. Dead set on retrieving this mighty object, packed with some obscure documents you can't make head nor tail of you and your companions set out to the deadlands to retrieve it!
System: WFRP 2nd edition
Cabaret of Chaos
GM: Rob Rees
Players will play characters in a cell of the Halfling Liberation Front that have infiltrated the infamous Kitty Kat Kabaret who are due to perform a selection of their provocative best at a private reception for the Moot's oppressive governor Ernst Hoffmann. Unbeknown to the assassins though, the Master of Ceremonies of the club also has some big plans for the reception and things are about to get very disturbing for everyone.
The governor is protected by the hated Brown Jerkins, his Imperial Guards and Billy Bigguts, an Ogre. Is there any hope that the cell can carry out their mission and escape with their lives?
Rules: Will be played with a streamlined version of 4th Edition rules with all the fast play options turned on.
SUN AM (10am-2pm)
Witches’ Gold
GM: Steve Hanlon
Ten years ago you stole a fortune in ancient gold from the Duke’s train, and buried it on the Witches’ Crag by the village of Fahrenholz. You thought you’d claim it in a few weeks, but instead you were caught and sentenced to hard labour. Now you’re finally free and it’s time to claim what’s yours. But, as you return to the scene of your worst crimes and greatest success, you will need to confront more than just memories of the past.
System: *Kriegsmesser* by Gregor Vuga, a simple system for Warhammer-like based on the popular game *Troika*, and reminiscent of games of the 80s. It’s very lightweight and no previous experience of it is required.
Mutiny and the Beast
GM: Dave Allen
Geissbach is a small, beleaguered farming community deep in the Reikwald forest. It’s position on the increasingly busy Ubersreik to Bogenhafen Road is exciting interest from various investors, and a newly opened coaching inn promises rest and relaxation to travellers with money to spend. There are those who regard the village as a prime target for exploitation, and the locals are divided as to who to place their trust in as their world seems set to change. Our Characters, a group of road-weary travellers, arrive at Geissbach looking for a place to stay, and will soon find themselves at the centre of a series of power struggles.
System: WFRP 4th edition
Weird Nights at the Wolfshead
GM: Stuart Kerrigan
The Wolfshead Coach Inn’s warm lights and tall walls appear to offer protection against the shambling horrors of the Old World’s night but the danger within may be greater. Never mind it seems difficult to keep track of the patrons and staff, or the shifting rooms inside it. Is it safer here than the shadow that has been chasing you?
A scenario for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition
SUN PM (3pm-7pm)
Rise of the Ratmen
GM: Steve Ellis (5 player game)
The Horned Rat calls it’s children to rise up and claim the lands of Men and Dwarfs! Play the fractious Clan-Lords of the Skaven as you plot the ruination of the lands above and unleash the tide of squeaking, scrabbling vermin against your enemies!
System will probably be a variant on Cold City/Hot War (Similar to the Karl Franz is Dead! Game)
The Batman of Altdorf: Painfall
GM: Rob Rees
The Batmen are mutants and former watchmen of Altdorf, twisted by radiance of the green moon they nonetheless retain their commitment to justice in the ever changing city. They watch endures despite the suspicion and hatred that is directed towards all mutants.
The latest peril to threaten the peace are rumours of an alchemical preparation that doubles the strength of those who imbibe it. In the hands of Altdorf's notorious street gangs it threatens to break the tenuous hold the Watch has on the city and allow the gangs to rule the streets and do what they like to the helpless regular citizens of the city.
It is these citizens the Batmen are sworn to protect and therefore they must find the source of the mysterious concoction and end its supply before the criminal elements seize control.
System: Played with my Grim Fantasy (Laser and Feelings hack):
GM: Toby Pilling
Desperate times call for desperate measures and no time is more desperate than the End Times.
The Emperor has called up those who are too old or crippled to serve in the provincial militias to form ‘Landsturm’ detachments at local levels. It’s seen as scraping the barrel, but the need is great.
The PCs are members of such a unit, and things are going from bad to worse…
System: WFRP 4th Edition
That was the short description, when I realised that I had to quickly give a blurb for the adventure. As usual, that was the trigger for me to actually start thinking about and preparing for the scenario.The Long Way Home
GM: Wim
After a disastrous attempt to recapture Karak Ghard from the goblin occupiers, your unit has been separated from the withdrawing dwarven army. To get back to civilisation, you’ll have to travel through enemy territory deep under the mountain.
An adventure for up to six dwarven soldiers, using WFRP2 rules (mostly)
In the meantime I’ve written a longer blurb. Perhaps that gives you some more information.
Exhausted and hurt, you look over the battlefield. Not much light enters this underground cavern, but what you can see in the gloomy darkness is a sea of bodies - some of your dwarven comrades, many more of those greenskin pests and the orange-skinned beasts that accompanied them.
You were part of a Dwarven army that was set to retake Karak Ghard from the goblins who have sneakily captured it and driven your people out thousands of years ago. But it seems like the attack has failed - the goblins fought more ferociously, and in far greater numbers, than your generals expected. And they brought what can best be described as mouths on legs - orange blobs that seemed to consist mostly of large mouths with sharp needles as teeth, that hopped around on their froglike legs and tore into your troops.
Your platoon got cut off from the main army. Forced into a side tunnel, you eventually made your stand in the cavern where you are now. Fighting against overwhelming odds, you eventually won, but at great cost. Most of your platoon was killed, and you are one of the few survivors. While you beat the goblins who attacked you, the rest of their army has cut off your way back. The only way to get out of here is to venture deeper into the mountain and hope to find another way back.
- Toby Pilling
- Posts: 66
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2019 5:14 am
I'll try to firm up the allocations by the end of next week, so do let me know if you want to attend and I'll try to fit you in - there are one or two spaces left. Feel free to PM me!
- Wyrmslayer
- Posts: 28
- Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:44 pm
Thanks to everyone that came along and made the con' such a joyful experience. And now for the obligatory write up.
For me Saturday started by experiencing the new Elizabeth Line. Being at the south eastern end of it, the journey from one edge of London to the other was made far easier. Was very grateful for that as my body clock was convinced I was in China for the last week, so I'd not managed to grab much sleep.
And then I became a pimp.
In Tad's Alfonso's Party.
We were an odd crew with a noble, a herbalist and a rat catcher in the mix. We had to arrange delivery of various goods to help a famous merchant lord have a fabulous party.
Four problematic acquisitions were achieved with only minimal violence.
Then on to become a wizard.
In Rolph's Eye of Tzeentch.
The eye was an item we were tasked to find. Others had disappeared in the attempt, with portal magic being involved.
We had some pretty handouts and 3d printed props to work out how to use. Like an escape room, or mystery challenge from the cystal maze.
Then came a maze of tunnels our leader decisively led us through. A few challenges on the way proved no great threat to our mighty fighters or my eldritch might.
The final room was more troublesome with its guardians, and the ambient mana was such that I'd be rolling extra dice - but tactics and supporting each other had us win out, and me being very lucky in not rolling doubles on the casting rolls.
We found the box presumably containing our prize. Back into puzzle mode to open the bugger. An artfully created piece of work. We had a good go at it but perhaps the sleep deprivation was getting me a bit rune-blind. Rolph helped us out to avoid an automatic lock-in.
Great day of gaming. Better even than the many hours of sleep my fizzy brain allowed me to get when I got home.
The pleasure of the new Elizabeth Line butted up against the tradition of rail maintainance work being done on a Sunday wasn't a great start to the day.
Stu's Weird Nights at the Wolfshead awaited. That was a much better start to the day.
Was so very, very weird.
It reminded me of a distant memory of the Sapphire and Steel tv show, and as that was apparently what Stu was going for, job well done. This was Stu's competition winning scenario, and well deserved. As I expect it's out there for download I shan't spoil the details in case you get to experience it. But as Stu' said. imagine if the Three Feathers scenario had more than one timeline going on together.
Still, I think my bounty hunter and Toby's outlaw had a successful buddy cop movie before the game started and should go on to get a tv show spin off that'll run for a season before Netflix pull it.
Toby led us through his Warhammerised Dad's Army in the afternoon.
Great premise, the characters being instantly familiar. We all had secrets though. Not the kind that conflicted with each other so I didn't have to try and fail to kill a party member and get kicked to death like I had been in previous years. I was feeling soppy so elected to take the gentle Godfrey. His secret being that his clever sisters really were witches.
We started doing manouvres, but found explosive death nearby. Troubling, with the village fete later that day. And there was additional trouble with that. A mutant albatross with shark teeth had impaled itself on the church spire. There was an issue with sausages. And worse, someone had ruined my sisters no doubt winning prize marrow.
It became clear a nasty Stromfels cult was planning on acting up. And that the local warden was involved. We dealt with the chap that had been riding the albatross and was holed up with the Warden. but it turned out the worshippers of nasty Mr 'Fels were planning on raiding the village. Thankfully our leaders were up to the task of organising our resources, resources that some of our enterprising members had acquired. When the raiders arrived they were met by a fully loaded organ gun, and a hail of poorly aimed handguns. A couple of our number were hurt, but my sisters upsidedown cake would probably take their mind of their injuries.
A paraphrased rendition of the theme tune closed the curtain on that episode.
A lovely way to round out our weekend of gaming devotions. Then beer and good chat in the pub.
Again, thank you to all that made it such a great weekend of gaming, and so warmly comfortable a social experience.
For me Saturday started by experiencing the new Elizabeth Line. Being at the south eastern end of it, the journey from one edge of London to the other was made far easier. Was very grateful for that as my body clock was convinced I was in China for the last week, so I'd not managed to grab much sleep.
And then I became a pimp.
In Tad's Alfonso's Party.
We were an odd crew with a noble, a herbalist and a rat catcher in the mix. We had to arrange delivery of various goods to help a famous merchant lord have a fabulous party.
Four problematic acquisitions were achieved with only minimal violence.
Then on to become a wizard.
In Rolph's Eye of Tzeentch.
The eye was an item we were tasked to find. Others had disappeared in the attempt, with portal magic being involved.
We had some pretty handouts and 3d printed props to work out how to use. Like an escape room, or mystery challenge from the cystal maze.
Then came a maze of tunnels our leader decisively led us through. A few challenges on the way proved no great threat to our mighty fighters or my eldritch might.
The final room was more troublesome with its guardians, and the ambient mana was such that I'd be rolling extra dice - but tactics and supporting each other had us win out, and me being very lucky in not rolling doubles on the casting rolls.
We found the box presumably containing our prize. Back into puzzle mode to open the bugger. An artfully created piece of work. We had a good go at it but perhaps the sleep deprivation was getting me a bit rune-blind. Rolph helped us out to avoid an automatic lock-in.
Great day of gaming. Better even than the many hours of sleep my fizzy brain allowed me to get when I got home.
The pleasure of the new Elizabeth Line butted up against the tradition of rail maintainance work being done on a Sunday wasn't a great start to the day.
Stu's Weird Nights at the Wolfshead awaited. That was a much better start to the day.
Was so very, very weird.
It reminded me of a distant memory of the Sapphire and Steel tv show, and as that was apparently what Stu was going for, job well done. This was Stu's competition winning scenario, and well deserved. As I expect it's out there for download I shan't spoil the details in case you get to experience it. But as Stu' said. imagine if the Three Feathers scenario had more than one timeline going on together.
Still, I think my bounty hunter and Toby's outlaw had a successful buddy cop movie before the game started and should go on to get a tv show spin off that'll run for a season before Netflix pull it.
Toby led us through his Warhammerised Dad's Army in the afternoon.
Great premise, the characters being instantly familiar. We all had secrets though. Not the kind that conflicted with each other so I didn't have to try and fail to kill a party member and get kicked to death like I had been in previous years. I was feeling soppy so elected to take the gentle Godfrey. His secret being that his clever sisters really were witches.
We started doing manouvres, but found explosive death nearby. Troubling, with the village fete later that day. And there was additional trouble with that. A mutant albatross with shark teeth had impaled itself on the church spire. There was an issue with sausages. And worse, someone had ruined my sisters no doubt winning prize marrow.
It became clear a nasty Stromfels cult was planning on acting up. And that the local warden was involved. We dealt with the chap that had been riding the albatross and was holed up with the Warden. but it turned out the worshippers of nasty Mr 'Fels were planning on raiding the village. Thankfully our leaders were up to the task of organising our resources, resources that some of our enterprising members had acquired. When the raiders arrived they were met by a fully loaded organ gun, and a hail of poorly aimed handguns. A couple of our number were hurt, but my sisters upsidedown cake would probably take their mind of their injuries.
A paraphrased rendition of the theme tune closed the curtain on that episode.
A lovely way to round out our weekend of gaming devotions. Then beer and good chat in the pub.
Again, thank you to all that made it such a great weekend of gaming, and so warmly comfortable a social experience.
- Posts: 149
- Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:06 am
Thanks for the recap! I hope to be able to afford the trip next year.
First of all, many, many thanks to Toby for arranging this. It was so good to be back in person. I had a great time in all the games I played and enjoyed running mine.
On Saturday morning, I was in Tad's game alongside Wyrmslayer. It was a set in Marienburg just emerging from a plague and we were a group recruited by an influential fixer to gather various items for a 'reopening' party. The first thing that impressed me was Tad's timing. It was an episodic adventure that perfectly fit into the four hours we had. The episodes were also very distinct from one another and so showcased different bits of Marienburg. Really fun, all round. We all had secrets too, but in my case it didn't really come into play.
Saturday evening was my game to run. In the run-up to TobCon, I had a complete imagination failure and ended up deciding to run an adventure I'd done for Tad's Nergalcon last year. In the end, that didn't help a lot, because this group took a completely different approach to the last one. But I thought it went well. I had all the NPCs and locations very clear in my mind's eye, which is one of the advantages of rerunning a previous effort. We finished early because time I'd allotted to a combat never got used. I've never been as good as Tad at timing. It's something I need to improve.
Sunday morning saw me play in Dave's adventure which was also really fun. It wasn't episodic like Tad's. There seemed to be more of a woven structure: in the middle I wondered if we were in a Rough Night situation. But this one expanded into a bigger, and very dangerous, single battle that lent it a pretty great capstone. There was also some great roleplaying with alternately very simple-minded and very sociologically-minded peasants.
Finally on Sunday afternoon, I also played in Toby's Dad's Army pastiche. It was perfect for the end of the con. At lunch, I was thinking maybe I was pretty worn out, but the light, comedic vibe of Toby's game grabbed me immediately. Really great stuff.
Next August can't come quickly enough.
On Saturday morning, I was in Tad's game alongside Wyrmslayer. It was a set in Marienburg just emerging from a plague and we were a group recruited by an influential fixer to gather various items for a 'reopening' party. The first thing that impressed me was Tad's timing. It was an episodic adventure that perfectly fit into the four hours we had. The episodes were also very distinct from one another and so showcased different bits of Marienburg. Really fun, all round. We all had secrets too, but in my case it didn't really come into play.
Saturday evening was my game to run. In the run-up to TobCon, I had a complete imagination failure and ended up deciding to run an adventure I'd done for Tad's Nergalcon last year. In the end, that didn't help a lot, because this group took a completely different approach to the last one. But I thought it went well. I had all the NPCs and locations very clear in my mind's eye, which is one of the advantages of rerunning a previous effort. We finished early because time I'd allotted to a combat never got used. I've never been as good as Tad at timing. It's something I need to improve.
Sunday morning saw me play in Dave's adventure which was also really fun. It wasn't episodic like Tad's. There seemed to be more of a woven structure: in the middle I wondered if we were in a Rough Night situation. But this one expanded into a bigger, and very dangerous, single battle that lent it a pretty great capstone. There was also some great roleplaying with alternately very simple-minded and very sociologically-minded peasants.
Finally on Sunday afternoon, I also played in Toby's Dad's Army pastiche. It was perfect for the end of the con. At lunch, I was thinking maybe I was pretty worn out, but the light, comedic vibe of Toby's game grabbed me immediately. Really great stuff.
Next August can't come quickly enough.
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Thu Jun 06, 2019 2:07 am
my thanks also to toby and all the gm's.
I ran 'shaking the lead' on saturday morning in which the human officials of a newly reopened lead mine in the border princes sought to deal with the religio-historic awakening of their half-orc slaves whilst trying to hide the presence of silver ore from visiting dwarven officials. the players were both ruthless and pragmatic.
in the afternoon i was in rolph's bounty hunter game with wyrmslayer. this used the same characters that rolph had used in his scenario at the previous tobcon, although i was the only player in both. the former turned into an (in character) equality and diversity seminar, this one into a health and safety audit. brilliant stuff both times.
sunday saw me in the same games as rangdo. in the morning playing an elven ranger seeking renewed hope in human society. it was my first time playing 4th edition and whilst i enjoyed myself i'd have liked both a bit more plot and the opportunity to play my character in greater depth. Full plaudits to dan for his excellent portrayal of our pompous and ineffectual, yet undeniably charming, leader.
i played the black market spiv character in toby's sunday afternoon game; great fun. my only minor criticism, at the start of the session toby told us we could regain used fortune points by appropriate use of our catch phrases, i checked my character sheet to find i didn't have a catch phrase! Once i'd used my fortune point to make sure I didn't make a fool of myself at the village dance, that was it for me. a minor quibble though.
all in all a very enjoyable weekend and it was good to catch up with many of the usual crew after a couple of years enforced absence.
I ran 'shaking the lead' on saturday morning in which the human officials of a newly reopened lead mine in the border princes sought to deal with the religio-historic awakening of their half-orc slaves whilst trying to hide the presence of silver ore from visiting dwarven officials. the players were both ruthless and pragmatic.
in the afternoon i was in rolph's bounty hunter game with wyrmslayer. this used the same characters that rolph had used in his scenario at the previous tobcon, although i was the only player in both. the former turned into an (in character) equality and diversity seminar, this one into a health and safety audit. brilliant stuff both times.
sunday saw me in the same games as rangdo. in the morning playing an elven ranger seeking renewed hope in human society. it was my first time playing 4th edition and whilst i enjoyed myself i'd have liked both a bit more plot and the opportunity to play my character in greater depth. Full plaudits to dan for his excellent portrayal of our pompous and ineffectual, yet undeniably charming, leader.
i played the black market spiv character in toby's sunday afternoon game; great fun. my only minor criticism, at the start of the session toby told us we could regain used fortune points by appropriate use of our catch phrases, i checked my character sheet to find i didn't have a catch phrase! Once i'd used my fortune point to make sure I didn't make a fool of myself at the village dance, that was it for me. a minor quibble though.
all in all a very enjoyable weekend and it was good to catch up with many of the usual crew after a couple of years enforced absence.
the dark knight of the twisted moon
- Toby Pilling
- Posts: 66
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2019 5:14 am
I had great fun again and all the attendants seemed to as well.
I really enjoyed DKotTM's game 'Shaking the Lead' - it was just a shame that we weren't able to delve more into the depths of the scenario provided, opting instead to make off with our lives and a decent amount of wealth.
A similar fate befell my character in Rob's 'Carnival of Chaos' game, where my character chose to let the other PCs do the dangerous heavy lifting and stood as a back-up in case the plan went wrong - again, I survived (the only one to do so!).
Stuart Kerrigan's game was a time-travelling investigation, which I really got my teeth into.
My own game seemed to go reasonably well, though I should of course have provided Privates Pike and Walker with catch phrases. Ah well - at least they had better combat stats than the other geriatrics in the platoon!
Anyway, it was great to catch up with everyone after a lockdown enforced break - I'd really missed the social aspect and the pub discussions. I look forward to seeing everyone again next year, though I'll take a break in 2023 from running a scenario myself, I think - I found it a bit stressful this year both running TOBCON and a game slot.
Many thanks of course to all attendees and especially the GMs.
Until next time!
I really enjoyed DKotTM's game 'Shaking the Lead' - it was just a shame that we weren't able to delve more into the depths of the scenario provided, opting instead to make off with our lives and a decent amount of wealth.
A similar fate befell my character in Rob's 'Carnival of Chaos' game, where my character chose to let the other PCs do the dangerous heavy lifting and stood as a back-up in case the plan went wrong - again, I survived (the only one to do so!).
Stuart Kerrigan's game was a time-travelling investigation, which I really got my teeth into.
My own game seemed to go reasonably well, though I should of course have provided Privates Pike and Walker with catch phrases. Ah well - at least they had better combat stats than the other geriatrics in the platoon!
Anyway, it was great to catch up with everyone after a lockdown enforced break - I'd really missed the social aspect and the pub discussions. I look forward to seeing everyone again next year, though I'll take a break in 2023 from running a scenario myself, I think - I found it a bit stressful this year both running TOBCON and a game slot.
Many thanks of course to all attendees and especially the GMs.
Until next time!