Looking for RP-input on daily-life-behaviour of Sigmarian Warrior Priest

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I am a GM who has a player wanting to become a Sigmar Warrior Priest.
This player is a real loot-goblin and can't help having his character take ANYTHING that isn't nailed down. That would be fine for a rogue-type, but this character is constantly going on about Sigmar, preaching his name (doing a nice job at it too)
I somehow find it conflicting.
I have a feeling that a zealous Sigmarian should forego petty looting (or at least donate the loot to temples instead of always buying gear for himself for it), but as my player argues: There is no lore (that we can find) that says a Sigmarian can't be zealous and a loot-goblin at the same time...
He is arguing that I'm equating the Cult Sigmar to the Christian church. I'm can't say I don't, in some ways...

Does anyone have some input on this? Any links would be helpful (I keep coming up empty on my google-trawls).
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Plenty of greed and loot hoarding in our churches.

The Witch Hunter (being Templars of Sigmar, theyre not far removed with Warrior Priests) series of novels had those lads take over rooms in decent places to stay without any mention of playing for it. Assuming services from the populace for the greater good to the Empire.

I had a Warrior Priest when our lot were playing 2nd edition. Money was an odd problem. Always was for non-mercenary careers that never got the downtime to do their jobs and pull a wage though. There never seemed enough for the trappings and armour and top quality warhammer. My PC was given money by the church once or twice.

The PC in question could have a superior that doesn't approve of such behaviour. Or one that does, and wants a cut.
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Thanks for the input :)
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Orin J.
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nothing saying a warrior priest can't get lynched for being caught pawning off artifacts instead of providing for the poor through donating to the local temple. it's not like the watch is going to get into the way of an angry mob to help a big man like him, just arrest anyone killing people with a big hammer....
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You mistaken Warrior Priest with Paladin. Dark Fantasy is about our bad sides. Priest of Sigmar burnig at stakes rndom woman? Yes. Witch hunter who also take advantage of woman via blackmail? Also yes. Warrior Priest who taking from dead and steal? Heretics gonna only use it against true belivers and dead dont need it anyway... So why not?
"in the name of the authority bestowed upon me I gonna take this possesion in the name of church. Any opossition will be judge as heretics" - something like that
I have ocean of treasures at the bottom. You can search it If You want, but You may never come back.
Knight of the Lady
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There have been many good suggestions here. My suggestion is boring and that is to take a look at the supplement "Tome of Salvation" to 2nd edition for some ideas about what the life of a priest in the Old World is like.


In my personal take on the Old World I'd say that being a Warrior Priest and money would depend on how close you work with the organized priesthood. If you are at their beck and call you should be given plenty of money and stuff but also missions to carry out for them. If you're a more AWOL kind of Warrior Priest who does Sigmar's work without official support, you should probably expect money to be scarce with selling of captured goods alongside with small donations from the faithful.

But then again I personally feel I must reject the idea that a priest can't engage with the economy. In all my reading of history and religion I've never experienced any problem for anyone with the clergy engaging in economy. Be it polytheist priesthoods in Antiquity or the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages.
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Hi all, first post.

Having played a Sigmarian Warrior Priest for a couple of years the looting doesn't really feel a problem, this is the church after all, it's not above taking things from others, if you want all that generosity and alms and what not the temple of Shallya is down the road there. More loot is more weapons for the troops, more bribery to get along in the heirachy of the church, a new lightweight + fine breastplate from the smithy.

Generally, Rudi (Rudi Henkwer is the name of my W-P) collected a lot of different loot over time and a lot of the mundane stuff was put towards outfitting his soldiers and his flagellants. The long term goal was to be a Knight which he eventually achieved after starting as a Riverwarden, encountering a bloodletter of Khorne in the sewers of Altdorf, seeing the light and converting to a Warrior-Priest acolyte and eventually gaining enough renown and political currency to enter the calvary and finally be granted a knighthood for his deeds in thwarting chaos. Somewhere in the region of 8000 odd xp and quite a few sessions.

Along that whole journey there was strict adherence to the strictures of Sigmar but loot was not spared. Rudi did actually give alms to the poor, food and even coins but this was not typically Sigmarian but just a Warrior-Priest taking care of the locals so they could fight the encroaching forces of Chaos better. If anything such charity for a Priest was seen as perhaps a little odd, but the strictures of the church were followed and so he was forgiven for a little quirky behaviour.
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