After having said that they would not release the PDFs in the form of printed books, Cubicle 7 changed its mind and announced the release of a physical book bringing together a collection of 8 PDFs, thus giving up their word.
Partially crossposting, what I wrote in the rat catchers guild discord:
C7 did something similar with UA1 and then made the right move with UA2, where you could preorder the whole book before all single adventures were out. It's disappointing that this wasn't possible with the reikland book, but you cannot compare this really.
It's tricky, they said the releases are PDF only. So the company broke that promise. On the other hand, a while ago, before the release yesterday, I was wondering myself, that it might be nice to have all the stuff printed in some books.
My consequence will be that I will just wait for the reikland book to be available in my FLGS and support them. No need to preorder, I have the PDFs anyway.
I force myself to see the print release as an option I can take, but don't have to.
I broadly agree with Zisse on this. I've seen Cubicle 7 make the claim that those PDFs wouldn't be in books but at other points say they may consider it. If I buy the book, it will be from a retailer, not Cubicle 7.
However, it would be nice if they could work with DriveThruRPG and provide a deal for those of us who purchased the individual supplements in PDF format.
Yeah, a discount for those who already bought those PDF would be great. But I don't think that C7 will go down this road. If it was their intention, they would had already mention it in their announce.