Well happy holidays, our very own Voidmoji has put all of Josef Tham's 4e Expanded Critical Effects into one very nice looking PDF, formatted in the 4e tradition and including the Preface and Clarifications. It's on the Downloads page or you can check it out directly here: All of the 4e Criticals
Please give some feedback to both these guys, and thanks to both for your hard work. I'm planning on incorporating these into Power Behind the Throne, if I can ever get my group's schedules to match up again.
All-in-One Josef Tham Expanded Critical Effects for 4e PDF
Over at Discord's The Rat Catchers Guild, under #wfrp4-homebrew you can find a thread where user eggburger formatted both the 2e and 4e charts for use with Jodri, a Discord bot of which I am unfamiliar. Regardless, kudos to eggburger for the good work.