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Frankensteining WFRP2 and 4?

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2024 5:55 am
by Roger McC
So having read most of the WFRP4 books and listened to several very good actual play podcasts I am finally convinced that at least for me WFRP4 is unplayable - there are simply too many rules scattered over too many books and even if you can cope with all that there are design flaws (the three metacurrencies, advantage, tiered careers) that mean it just doesn't feel Warhammer to me.

WFRP2 however has its own problems several of which WFRP4 does resolve.

So what I am working on is identifying which specific rules from WFRP4 do work better and can be bolted on to WFRP2 without changing the character sheet.

Combat: Opposed rolls with highest SL winning does resolve the huge whiff problem of WFRP2 and WFRP4 SL + SB + fixed damage ratings by weapon is much less swingy than WFRP's d10 damage roll.

Economics: WFRP2's prices are a total mess and while WFRP4's are far from perfect they make more sense as does the Brass/Silver/Gold earnings tiers for careers (although it will take some work to map them over).

Downtime/Endeavours: This is a gaping hole in WFRP2 even if WFRP4's actual campaigns don't use them well (I'd also be inclined to spread the Ubersreik and TEW campaigns over a decade or more for instance so characters are much more grounded in their homes and society with months rather than days of downtime).

Fluff: WFRP4 wins hand down on this by at least trying to resolve the huge contradictions between WFRP1's and WFB's empire.

Re: Frankensteining WFRP2 and 4?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2024 12:20 pm
by Chuck
I can see why Fortune Points, Resolve, and Resilience were added and for groups that like them I'm sure they're fantastic. My group just uses Fate Points to avoid death. Advantage is a great idea and was present in a very limited form in WFRP1, but I think it works better as an optional rule and wish it wasn't so hard-coded into WFRP4. We haven't used downtime endeavors very much but from what I read online we're missing out. WFRP4 fluff is great and I look forward to new books for just this reason.

Re: Frankensteining WFRP2 and 4?

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 9:53 am
by Roger McC
Something I am toying with if I stuck with WFRP4 would be making all 4 metacurrencies run off fate and fortune points.

So you start with say 3 fate and fortune and also get 3 resolve and resilience but you use any of fortune, resolve and resilience and all three reduce by one point.

They then only refresh when fate and fortune points refresh.

So in effect rather than having 4 metacurrencies to track you just get 4 options on how you use your one metacurrency.