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Children PCs in WFRP4

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 3:17 pm
by Angelman
Hi all,

So, I’m reading up on WFPR4 and planning a future campaign, and I find I would like to run a couple of prelude sessions with the characters as children/youths to set up the tone and themes of the campaign and introduce the characters and conflicts.

In that vein, what would be a simple yet strong way to de-age a batch of freshly made WFRP4 characters? Off the top of my head I’m thinking: reducing all characteristics by -10, ignore all career advancements except count the 3 5-point starting species skills to 2 and the 3 3-point starting skills to 1, keep all species & random talents.

Would something like that work for low-action, high-drama children characters, do you think? Any suggestions?

(I should mention that I tried this trick in WFPR2 10-12 years ago and it worked absolutely brilliant for that edition of the game, although… I cannot remember what I did, rules-wise back then)

Re: Children PCs in WFRP4

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 4:26 pm
by Orin J.
yeah, no career advancements and focusing on the racial skills ought to work.

Re: Children PCs in WFRP4

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:17 am
by Sword of Solkan
Yeah, that sounds about right. How old are the characters going to be?

I’d be tempted to waive the -10 penalty to Agility and Dexterity, as those reviews areas where a child character might even have the advantage over an adult. Depending on their background, access to Skills such as Stealth and Outdoor Survival night’s also be appropriate.

You could also consider giving some (or all) of the characters Size (Small).

Re: Children PCs in WFRP4

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:04 am
by Angelman
Oh, I forgot about Size (Small); that's a great idea! :D

I'm not quite sure how young the kids are going to end up at this stage, and I'm looking at everything from 10-15, though probably somewhere around 12yoa (the boys in Stranger Things/Arya in AGoT/that kinda thing). It depends on several things.

On a related note, however... I might end up with an elven character in the party, who it would be cool to integrate into the kids prelude thing without breaking it totally. I'm vaguely thinking about the elf perhaps being injured/drugged and ending up being rescued by the kids, or something. I dunno... might be too weird to pull off successfully, but any suggestions would be highly welcome :)

Who have done things like this in the past? Any tips or stories anyone would like to share? :)