Doubt about broken bone (minor) crit

The enemy lurks in shadows
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Hi folks,
in the last session we had a doubt about the consequences of this crit. The crit says the character has -30 to S and Agi and halved movement. What happens if the character has less than 30 in S or Agi? Would it become incapacitated (dnd like approach) or the modifier applies only to tests? In the latter the character would be able to do basic tasks that are not tests on S or Agi.
Thanks for your help!
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There are no rules for 0 characteristics in the core book, so the character will still be able to perform basic things as you say. If you use the 01-05 Automatic Success rule, then the injured PC could hope to score that on a test. Any other mechanical effect is left in the hands of the GM.
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Orin J.
Posts: 518
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:39 pm

there is a rule under healing criticals that states a broken bone renders the location unusuable, so the DM can simply deny thatplayer the attemppt to do anything that requires it. i'd also like to point out that excepting wounds, there's no rules preventing chatacteristic from going Below 0, so it's possible the injury makes even day-to-day tasks challanging.
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