Room and Board prices

The enemy lurks in shadows
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Posts: 109
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 11:25 am

In the rulebook it says 10 silver for a private room at an inn.
My players will be renting an appartment for a week in Nuln soon. What would you charge them as a GM? (I'm looking for a basic price. I will then modify the price to the city quarter they pick the boarding house in).
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Orin J.
Posts: 518
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:39 pm

that really varies for me, based on what they claim they're expecting from an inn, what the group looks like, and what i think i can sucker the players into losing. :3c

a large part of what i think makes warhammer warhammer is the bastard sales approach and nuln is probably full of overpriced inns who specialize in fleecing tourists with tales of "engineer's college took up the rooms for their event" and "i shouldn't offer you this, things as they are but i trust ye". after all, adventurers in warhammer are among the most suspect groups in the empire. just as likely to start a riot as anything else.
Posts: 109
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 11:25 am

I'm thinking about 2 gold crowns (doubled because of an ongoing festival in the city) to get the larger room, for 4 people, for the week. I want it to be a crappy place where a group artisans, could afford to live whilst earning they wages in Faulenstadt.
Would that be too much?
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