Healing during combat

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How many combat turns does it take for one character to use Heal skill and bandage another up? Physician has Field Dressing talent but seems unrealistic that can all be done in a 10 second combat round.
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To assess a wound, dig a bandage out of a pouch/pocket, apply the bandage, and get the recipient ready to take other actions? Would take at least 30 seconds to a minute.

My group puts rounds at 20-30 seconds each (not 10), which lines up nicely at 2-3 rounds for a heal test (one feels too short, 4+ feels too long).
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Heal Skill (Pg 123) has this If Healing during combat, Tests will likely be Challenging (+0) at the very least
But how long does it take to use the Heal Skill
What does the other Editions say about healing time?
I would use the d10 in turns out of combat, use the "Field Dressing" for combat, one action
but time is short in some cases, even a turn of healing could cause the victim to die

You could say after the player says the Character is "healing" stop the clock on Bleeding, etc...
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In my group we decided that the only possible healing that can be done during combat is to prevent someone from dying (e.g. stabilization, stop bleeding)
Anything else has to be done outside of combat and it takes at least 10 minutes to treat someone (halved with the Field Dressing talent)
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